y Types of Long Term Care « Long Term Care Advisors

What types of Long Term Care are available?

Skilled care is continuous care provided by licensed medical professionals under the direct supervision of a physician. Skilled care is considered medically necessary and one in which you will recuperate. This type of care that is usually delivered in skilled nursing homes, but can also be received at home. Medicare mostly provides care only for skilled care. Approximately 6% of all new long term care insurance claims are nursing home claims.

Intermediate care is intermittent care provided by nurses or nurses aides under the supervision of a physician. Intermediate care is considered medically necessary and is based on recuperation. Medicare usually does not provide for this level of care. Many people use this level at Assisted Living Facilities which account for approximately 14% of all new long term care insurance claims.

Custodial care is assistance in meeting your daily living requirements and is provided by both professional and non-professional caregivers. Custodial care is not medically necessary and there is no expectation that the person will recuperate. Most long term care is of this nature and is provided at home. It is not provided by Medicare, except in rare circumstances, and accounts for approximately 82% of all first long term care insurance claims.

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